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January 2008


           The organic market in South Africa is booming

           We would like to wish all a blessed and prosperous 2008 and that may

           you remain in good health, from all at Coetzee & Coetzee /Organic solutions.

           Now to the business news.  The organic market in South Africa is booming

           with more and more of the big supermarket groups pushing their suppliers to

           offer organic product ranges as well.  This is keeping us really busy, but will

           also mean that the shelf space dedicated to organics and consumer awareness

           of organic products will increase.

           Worldwide prices of commodity foodstuffs are continuously on the increase

           and the organic food market demand is starting to outstrip the supply side. 

           We are experiencing continues upward pressure on prices. We are trying to

           purchase economical larger quantities in the hopes of bringing down prices.

           The biggest increases are on dried fruits, averaging 25 to 40%, wheat, seeds

           and other cereals 15 to 30%.

           Our latest produce list is available on our website, www.coetzeeltd.co.za,

           please check for our new offers. We have also added a new page

           www.coetzee-uganda.com with information on our Ugandan vanilla.

           New lines:
                        Dates from Pakistan

                        Apricots from Turkey

                        Figs from Turkey

                        Chickpeas from Turkey

           New replacement stock:
                        Quinoa – Bolivia

                        Amaranth – Bolivia


                        Red Football lentils – Turkey

                        Pumpkin seed grade AA – China

                        Brown Flaxseed – China

                        Soybeans – China

                        Mungbeans – China

                        Blackbeans – China

           Please get in contact with keith.organics@gmail.com or phone him on

           083 406 4240.

           If there are any specific products you are interested in, please inform us so

           we can try assist and source it for you.

           Coetzee & Coetzee/Organic Solutions